Why you should rest after a big project or event.

The post-event blues: understanding the aftermath of a Big Event Project.

I recently completed a big project, a mind-swirlingly large project that took over my thoughts, my life and my dreams for many months. Now that I’ve been working in events for 20+ years, I can confidently say that I know big event projects are always going to be an odd combination of fun, exhilaration, and exhaustion.

After the big project whirlwind has settled, I always notice a surprising feeling creep in: sadness. Exactly when I ‘should’ be feeling relaxed and elated, I tend to feel the opposite. Heavy, depressed and even a bit sad.

Asking around, I quickly realised that pretty much every experienced event professional I know has experienced similar after wrapping up their own major event projects. Other friends experienced a similar ‘post-project depression’ after wrapping up large creative projects.

RachellA SAYS

“Mood dips following a big event project likely come from two hesitations: that you don’t have a clear destination for what’s next, and that you aren’t celebrating your accomplishments enough. Set aside time to celebrate and reflect on your successful event planning after wrapping up a big project.”

What is this all about?

One of the reasons for this post-project depression may be the lack of a clear destination for what's next. Throughout the event planning process, you have a well-defined roadmap leading up to the event day. Every minute of every day is accounted for when you’re in the world of events. But once the event is over, you may find yourself feeling disoriented, unsure of what to focus on next. It's essential to acknowledge that this feeling is normal and to give yourself time to transition smoothly into the next phase.

Kate, a thoughtful friend who experienced a similar 'post-project depression' after hiking in Peru, shared some valuable advice that event planners can apply to their lives too. She emphasised the importance of celebration, rest, and exploration in this period of transition. Taking the time to celebrate your accomplishments is crucial. Reflect on the effort and hard work that went into creating a successful event. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done and acknowledge your achievements.

Celebrating your success: recharging and revitalizing for future event projects.

Embracing rest and reflection: key ingredients for event planners' well-being

In the midst of event planning, you push yourself more than usual, working with intense focus to meet the project's demands. While this level of dedication and intensity is necessary during the planning phase, it's equally important to allow yourself time to rest and recharge after the event. Just as soil needs time to rest after harvesting crops to replenish its nutrients, you too need a break to rejuvenate and replenish your creativity.

Resist the urge to immediately jump into the next project. Give yourself the space to relax and recharge. Treat yourself to activities that bring you joy and help you unwind. Increase your meditation time, indulge in a good book or two, or plan a fun trip to unwind and reconnect with yourself.

Personally, after wrapping up a significant event project, I always take Kate's advice to heart. I carve out time for reflection and allowed myself to explore new ideas. I spend time of the couch watching mindless TV shows until I am bored. Then I emerge and immerse myself in research, seeking inspiration and connections that will spark creativity for future events. I also make sure I take the time to celebrate my achievements, indulging in spa days and rewarding myself for a job well done.

The results are surprisingly refreshing. Ideas for new projects begin to emerge, and existing ones become clearer and more defined. Allowing myself this period of rest and reflection not only recharges my mind but also gives me a fresh perspective on event planning.

Remember to embrace this post-event phase as an essential part of your journey. Rest, reflect, and celebrate your accomplishments. Give yourself the time and space you need to recharge, and you'll find that your creativity and enthusiasm for event planning will soar to new heights. After all, you deserve to celebrate your success and approach the next event project with renewed energy and passion.


Written by Rachella THOMAS

Rachella Thomas is the powerhouse behind award-winning event consulting agency, Event Kit. With her 20+ years’ experience producing world-class events for high-profile clients and brands, Rachella has honed her skills to create a valuable resource for event planners looking to elevate their events. Her wealth of expertise has established Rachella as the go-to event consultant and mentor for aspiring event professionals and businesses alike.

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Rachella Thomas

Rachella Thomas is the powerhouse behind award-winning event consulting agency, Event Kit.
With 20+ years of experience producing world-class events for internationally-renowned clients and brands, Rachella has honed her skills to create an expert resource and toolbox of event templates for event planners and businesses looking to elevate their events.


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